Shiny Thing Syndrome

Believe it or not.

This is one of the saddest things I see. Seriously. When I see someone with what I call 'Shiny Thing Syndrome', my heart aches for them. No joke. 

What is it?

Well, It's the belief that the newest, nicest, most modern, most fancy, most shiny thing is actually what's best. 

AND.. That they will get better results from using these shiny things. 

I'm talking in the realms of fitness gyms and equipment now, but this can be related in almost any area of life. 

I know for a fact we have had people leave our gym, to go somewhere with newer equipment, a more modern look, etc..

That alone isn't the problem.

The problem is, the only reason they were looking for that newer, nicer place, is because they aren't getting the results they feel they deserve. And that somehow, some better equipment is the answer. 

My heart aches when this happens because I know the truth. I've seen it over and over again. 

The truth is, results are based off consistency to a lifestyle, effort in training, self-control, self-discipline, etc. 

These are the things that control a result. Not the equipment.

So when I see people leave gyms, or change jobs, or just chase the latest and greatest shiny object it honestly upsets me. 

Because they will end up in the same place they are now. 

Searching for an answer. Unhappy. Angry. Confused. Desperate. 

And the answer isn't 'out there'.

The answer is within.
