The 1 Key Ingredient To Ensure Success In Your Health And Fitness

A Plan. 

Simple right. Apparently so simple that almost nobody has one. We all have goals. Some I hear all the time are: 

-   I wanna tone up

-   100kg bench press

-   double body weight deadlift

-   lose 10kgs


Cool. They are all perfectly good goals to have.

Next question is: do you have a plan to get there?

It’s about now that most people start stumbling and mumbling about a program they read somewhere or a diet they heard works fast. In other words, no.

The thing is, that’s fine. It’s a problem that's easily fixed. Do this:

Write down your goals. Everything you want from your training. A weight you want to lift, how you want to look, everything.

Now right down when you want to achieve this goal. Keep it realistic. Not sure if your time frame is realistic? Ask your friend, and make sure that friend is honest and won’t tell you what you want to hear.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success
— Alexander Graham Bell

Now write down your PLAN to get there. I mean the actual actions you are going to take to get there. Here are some simple steps to create a real, actionable plan:

-  Write down what program you are going to follow

-  Write down what your nutrition will look like

-  Schedule some time in your week to meal prep

-  Look ahead to what social activities you have coming up and start thinking about how to make sure they don’t set you back too far

-  Schedule in your training days and make them a priority


You now have the bones of a good plan. Flesh it out with as much detail as possible. The more planning and preparation you do, the greater your chance of success.

Next step. ACTION.

Still confused? We can help. Fill in your details below and we’ll jump on a call and map this out for you. No tricks, we just know how hard it is doing this alone. In 15 mins from now you’ll be on the path to making this happen!

Good Luck.


Sean Clarence

Head Coach and Owner

You Version Two